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Imaginary Friend 2012 Online Subtitrat

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Emma (Lacey Chabert), este o frumoasa si talentata artista.Sotul ei Brad (Ethan Embry), este un psihiatru renumit.Ei au mariajul perfect.Dar Emma are cateva probleme psihologice.Ea a apelat la Brittany (‘Amanda Schull’), prietena imaginara din copilarie care a ajutat-o sa uite de tatal ei abuziv.Brad sotul ei devotat o ajuta si o consoleaza.Atunci cand viziunile Emmei se intensifica,Brad o convinge ca singurul remediu este medicamentatia, dar Brittany devine un suport emotional pentru Emma.

Emma (Lacey Chabert) is a beautiful and a talented artist. Her husband, Brad (Ethan Embry), is a renowned psychiatrist. They have the perfect loving marriage. But Emma is having a few psychological issues. She has turned to Brittany ('Amanda Schull'), her childhood imaginary friend who helped her overcome an abusive father. Brad, the doting husband, helps and consoles her. When Emma's visions get more intense, Brad persuades her that the only way to keep them under control is to take medication but Brittany has become an emotional support for Emma.

Imaginary Friend - (2012)
IMDB:5.3/10 din 367 voturi
Durata:86 minute
Regia:Richard Gabai
Actori:Lacey Chabert, Sam Page, Paul Sorvino, Deena Dill, Jacob Young
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