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The Day of the Jackal 1973 Online Subtitrat

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Aripa extremista a Organizatiei Secrete a Armatei franceze (OAS), condusa de colonelul Rodin, angajeaza un asasin profesionist sa-l ucida pe generalul Charles de Gaulle, slujba platita cu suma de 500.000 de dolari. Killerul este un britanic cu reputatie de dur, care-si spune "Sacalul”, un tip meticulos si tipicar, expert in arta deghizarii, cu multe conexiuni in lumea interlopa. Pusca de mare precizie o primeste in Italia, la Genoa, unde nu ezita sa-l elimine pe furnizorul pasaportului fals, car...Info
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It is the early 60s in France. The remaining survivors of the aborted French Foreign Legion have made repeated attempts to kill DeGaulle. The result is that he is the most closely guarded man in the world. As a desperate act, they hire The Jackal, the code name for a hired killer who agrees to kill French President De Gaulle for half a million dollars. We watch his preparations which are so thorough we wonder how he could possibly fail even as we watch the French police attempt to pick up his trail. The situation is historically accurate. There were many such attempts and the film closely follows the plot of the book.Imdb


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Nel 1963 il braccio armato dei colonialisti algerini (O.A.S.) affida ad un killer professionista l’incarico di assassinare il generale De Gaulle. Il killer, conosciuto come “lo sciacallo”, viene braccato in uno spietato “tour de France” da un ispettore della Sureté…

The Day of the Jackal - (1973)
Ziua sacalului
IMDB:7.8/10 din 19834 voturi
Gen:Crima, Drama, Suspans
Durata:143 minute
Regia:Fred Zinnemann
Actori:Derek Jacobi, Vernon Dobtcheff, Edward Fox, Cyril Cusack, Barrie Ingham
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