Poetul rus Gorceacov impreuna cu Eugenia, ghidul si translatoarea sa, calatoresc in Italia, cercetand viata unui compozitor rus din secolul XVIII. Intr-o statiune balneara din timpul antichitatii, Gorceacov il intalneste pe Domenico, un sociopath care si-a intemnitat familia intr-un hambar pentru a o “scapa de toate relele lumii”. Gorceacov vede un adevar crud si adanc in ideile si comportamentul lui Domenico. Intr-o serie de vise, nostalgia poetului pentru pamantul sau natal, dorul de sotia sa,...Info
Cd1 720
Cd2 720
The Russian poet Andrei Gorchakov, accompanied by guide and translator Eugenia, is traveling through Italy researching the life of an 18th-century Russian composer. In an ancient spa town, he meets the lunatic Domenico, who years earlier had imprisoned his own family in his house for seven years to save them from the evils of the world. Seeing some deep truth in Domenico's act, Andrei becomes drawn to him. In a series of dreams, the poet's nostalgia for his homeland and his longing for his wife, his ambivalent feelings for Eugenia and Italy, and his sense of kinship with Domenico become intertwined.
Nostalghia - (1983)
IMDB:7.9/10 din 6737 voturi
Durata:125 minute
Language: Italian | Russian
Regia:Andrey Tarkovskiy
Actori:Oleg Yankovskiy, Milena Vukotic, Erland Josephson, Rate Furlan, Domiziana Giordano
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