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Ring 1988 Online Subtitrat

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O capodoperă a genului horror, RING este o poveste japoneză despre un blestem antic care face ravagii în epoca modernă, în care mass media are o influenţă uneori fatală asupra oamenilor. Tomoko, o ziaristă, anchetează moartea misterioasă a unei adolescente. Ea descoperă că la origine stă o casetă video ucigaşă. Toţi cei care au văzut-o şi în decurs de o săptămână nu au arătat-o altcuiva, mor. Iar ea descoperă blestemul casetei ucigaşe mult mai târziu, poate prea târziu...dsrtghdsp
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Reiko Asakawa is researching into a 'Cursed Video' interviewing teenagers about it. When her niece Tomoko dies of 'sudden heart failure' with an unnaturally horrified expression on her face, Reiko investigates. She finds out that some of Tomoko's friends, who had been on a holiday with Tomoko the week before, had died on exactly the same night at the exact same time in the exact same way. Reiko goes to the cabin where the teens had stayed and finds an 'unlabeled' video tape. Reiko watched the tape to discover to her horror it is in fact the 'cursed videotape'. Ex-Husband Ryuji helps Reiko solve the mystery, Reiko makes him a copy for further investigation. Things become more tense when their son Yoichi watches the tape saying Tomoko had told him to. Their discovery takes them to a volcanic island where they discover that the video has a connection to a psychic who died 30 years ago, and her child Sadako..Info

Alt titlu:Ringu
Regia:Hideo Nakata
Actori:Yutaka Matsushige, Miki Nakatani, Hitomi Satô, Yûrei Yanagi, Yûko Takeuchi
Gen:Groaza, Mister, Suspans
Durata:96 minute
IMDB:7.3/10 din 33479 voturi
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