Penelope este purtatoarea unui blestem ce spunea ca prima fata nascuta în familia ei, se va asemana unui porc. Blestemul a fost dat de mama unui servitoare ce se omorase dupa ce barbatul cu sange albastru ce-l iubea se casatorise cu o domnisoara din clasa lui sociala. Pentru a desface blestemul un barbat tot cu sange albastru trebuie sa o ia de sotie. Insa ce se intampla atunci cand dragostea si ratiunea au alte optiuni?.

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In this modern-day romantic tale, Penelope is about a young girl's inspiring journey, a mysterious family secret, and the power of love. With all odds against her, in order for Penelope to break the family curse, she must find true love with "one of her own kind" and realize the most important life lesson, "I like myself the way I am." Penelope Wilhern, born to wealthy socialites, is afflicted by the Wilhern spell that can only be broken when she finds love. Hidden away in her family's estate, the lonely girl meets a string of suitors in her parents' futile attempt to break the curse. Each eligible bachelor is enamored with Penelope and her sizable dowry; until her curse is revealed. Lemon, a mischievous and eager tabloid reporter, wants a photograph of the mysterious Penelope and hires Max to pose as a prospective suitor to get the shot. The handsome down-on-his luck gambler finds himself falling for Penelope, but, not wanting to disappoint her or to expose his surreptitious ways, he...
Penelope Wilhern è una giovane di una ricca famiglia sulla quale grava una maledizione, pronunciata da una strega di molte generazioni addietro e di cui lei è vittima incolpevole. Il risultato è un terribile naso da porcellino, che la sfigura e la costringe a vivere reclusa e lontana dalla vita che vorrebbe condurre…
Blestemul Penelopei
Regia:Mark Palansky
Actori:Burn Gorman, Simon Woods, Andi-Marie Townsend, John Voce, Richard E. Grant
Gen:Comedie, Fantezie, Romantic
Durata:104 minute
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