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Singin' In The Rain 1952 Online Subtitrat

Cantecul "Singin´ in the rain" este semnat de Arthur Freed (text) si Nasio Herb Brown (muzica). 1927. Cinematograful face primii pasi inspre sonor, ceea ce va detrona multe vedete ale filmului mut. Don Lockwood si Lina Lamont formeaza un cuplu romantic, dar numai pe ecran, pentru ca, in realitate, intre cei doi nu exista iubire. Cand ultimul lor film e transformat intr-un muzical, pentru realizatori devine clar ca vocea Linei trebuie dublata si e adusa o debutanta, Kathy Selden,


1927 Hollywood. Monumental Pictures' biggest stars, glamorous on-screen couple Lina Lamont and Don Lockwood, are also an off-screen couple if the trade papers and gossip columns are to be believed. Both perpetuate the public perception if only to please their adoring fans and bring people into the movie theaters. In reality, Don barely tolerates her, while Lina, despite thinking Don beneath her, simplemindedly believes what she sees on screen in order to bolster her own stardom and sense of self-importance. R.F. Simpson, Monumental's head, dismisses what he thinks is a flash in the pan: talking pictures. It isn't until The Jazz Singer (1927) becomes a bona fide hit which results in all the movie theaters installing sound equipment that R.F. knows Monumental, most specifically in the form of Don and Lina, have to jump on the talking picture bandwagon, despite no one at the studio knowing anything about the technology. Musician Cosmo Brown, Don's best friend, gets hired as Monumental's ..


Nella Hollywood fine anni Venti, sconvolta dall’invenzione del parlato, Don, ex attore di varietà passato con successo al cinematografo, riesce ad affermarsi anche nel cinema sonoro. Lina, che con Don faceva coppia nei film muti, ragazza supponente con voce da gallina, deve invece essere doppiata da Kitty…

Singin' in the Rain
Cântând în ploaie
Cantando sotto la pioggia
Gen:Romantic, Muzical, Comedie
Durata:103 minute
Regia:Stanley Donen | Gene Kelly
Actori:Gene Kelly, Cyd Charisse, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor, Jean Hagen, Millard Mitchell, Dawn Addams, Ray Milland, Douglas Fowley, Rita Moreno, Bobby Watson
Singin' in the Rain (1952) on IMDb
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