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Numb 2007 Online Subtitrat

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Cufundat de ceva vreme intr-o nemaipomenita depresie, Hudson (Matthew Perry, din serialul "Friends") nu face altceva toata ziua decat sa urmareasca jocuri de golf la televizor. Pana la un moment dat un scenarist de succes, Hudson isi da seama ca trebuie sa-si ia problema in maini, iar providenta i-o scoate in cale pe Sara. Hudson stie ca ea il poate salva, dar ea crede ca ar trebui sa se salveze singur. Vor reusi cei doi sa se inteleaga?.. ..dsrtghdsp
Cd1 720
Cd2 720



Hudson Milbank is a successful Hollywood screenwriter who suddenly and strangely finds himself without any emotional feelings. He tries doctor after doctor and shrink after shrink, but nothing works. The Golf Channel, lesbian exercise classes and a dizzying variety of pills get him through the day, but don't quite solve his problem. His writing partner tries everything to get him back to normal, but it's not until Hudson meets Sara that he finds a real motivation to get better and to actually start feeling again. From the writer of Deuce Bigalow, comes NUMB, a romantic comedy following an unusual man looking for strange love...Info


Hudson è uno sceneggiatore che gode di fama e successo, ma improvvisamente si accorge di aver esaurito ogni tipo di emozione, tanto da sentirsi quasi estraniato dal proprio corpo. I medici definiscono il suo disturbo come una ‘crisi di depersonalizzazione’. Le sue giornate scorrono fra pillole, visite mediche ed il canale televisivo sul Golf, fino al giorno in cui incontra Sara…

N-am chef de nimic!
Terapia d’amore
Regia:Harris Goldberg
Actori:Lynn Collins, Monique Ganderton, Brad Ganes, Mark Acheson, Matthew Perry
Gen:Comedie, Drama
Durata:93 minute
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