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Yi Yi 2000 Online Subtitrat

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Cel mai accesibil si probabil cel mai bun film al lui Eduard yang de la "O zi de vara mai stralucitoare", "Si una si doua" urmareste perioada de viata a trei generatii ale unei familii din Taipeiul contemporan cuprins intre o nunta si o inmormantare si, desi dureaza aproape trei ore, niciun moment al filmului nu pare superfluu. dsrtghdsp
Cd1 720
Cd2 720



Each member of a family in Taipei asks hard questions about life's meaning as they live through everyday quandaries. NJ is morose: his brother owes him money, his mother is in a coma, his wife suffers a spiritual crisis when she finds her life a blank, his business partners make bad decisions against his advice, and he reconnects with his first love 30 years after he dumped her. His teenage daughter Ting-Ting watches emotions roil in their neighbors' flat and is experiencing the first stirrings of love. His 8-year-old son Yang-Yang is laconic like his dad and pursues truth with the help of a camera. "Why is the world so different from what we think it is?" asks Ting-Ting...Info


Vi si narrano le vicende di più famiglie con la scansione della quotidianità problematica. Il padre di famiglia, socio di una ditta di computer in crisi, scopre una possibilità meno arida di lavoro (grazie, fatto eccezionale, a un giapponese) e ritrova l’antico primo amore. La moglie ha la madre in coma e scopre di non avere nulla da dirle: entra quindi in crisi esistenziale…

Yi Yi
Yi yi: A One and a Two...
Yi Yi – … e uno… e due (2000)
Regia:Edward Yang
Actori:Ru-Yun Tang, An-an Hsu, Issei Ogata, Elaine Jin, Nien-Jen Wu
Gen:Drama, Muzica, Romantic
Durata:173 minute
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