Surdo-muta si oarba, Michelle McNally este un copil caruia nu i se dau prea multe sanse in viata. Violenta, confuza, traind intr-o bezna absoluta, ea este complet izolata de restul lumii! Dar intalnirea, la opt ani, cu profesorul Debraj Sahay, inseamna pentru ea totul! De la el invata cum sa comunice cu ceilalti, cat de frumoasa este lumea si cum sa traiasca! De la el invata sa iasa din intuneric si confuzie spre lumina si speranta, sa-si descopere identitatea si sa realizeze ca nu este cu nimic inferioara celorlalti....

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
Based in Simla, the McNallys are an Anglo-Indian family consisting of Paul and his wife, Catherine. Both are full of joy when Catherine gives birth to a baby girl, Michelle, but their joy is short-lived when they are told that Michellle cannot see nor hear. Both attempt to bring up Michelle in their own protective way, as a result Michelle is not exposed to the real world, and becomes increasingly violent and volatile. Things only get worse when Catherine gives birth to Sara, and Paul considers admitting Michelle in an asylum. It is here that Debraj Sahai enters their lives....Info
Regia:Sanjay Leela BhansaliActori:Shernaz Patel, Ayesha Kapoor, Sillo Mahava, Kenny Desai, Arif Shah
Country: India
Durata:122 minute
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