Un tanar reverend este trimis impreuna cu sotia in Australia, pentru a vedea ce se petrece in casa unui pictor excentric, autor al unei lucrari de scandal. Acesta duce o viata ciudata, alaturi de sotia si modelele sale. La inceput intrigati, noii veniti se obisnuiesc treptat cu atmosfera nonconformista si fara prejudecati din casa pictorului, desi stiu ca ei apartin unei alte lumi.. .

A young reverend and his wife are on the way from England to Australia to minister to their flock. The bishop asks him to visit an eccentric artist prone to sexual depictions and requests that he voluntarily withdraw a controversial work call "Crucified Venus" from his show. The minister, who considers himself a progressive, is shocked at the amoral atmosphere surrounding the painter, his wife, and the three models living at his estate. The minister's wife is troubled also, and has to deal with latent sexual urges while trying to remain loyal to her husband...Info
Gen:Drama, Comedie
Durata:98 minute
Regia:John Duigan | Barry Levinson | John Hughes | Ron Howard | Alexander Payne | Mike Nichols | Alfonso Cuarón | John Hughes | Curtis Hanson | Stanley Kubrick | Robert Altman | John Hughes | David Mamet
Actori:Ben Mendelsohn, Sam Neill, Tara Fitzgerald, Hugh Grant, Portia de Rossi
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