Tripp (Matthew McConaughey) nu a reusit niciodata sa "zboare" din cuibul parintesc. Intotdeauna a avut un motiv sau altul, dar acum parintii sai au ajuns la disperare. S-au saturat! Asa ca o angajeaza pe superba si talentata fata a visurilor lui (Sarah Jessica Parker) sa-l convinga sa se mute din casa parintilor...

At 35, Tripp has an interesting job, a hip car, a passion for sailing, and a great house - trouble is, he lives with his parents. They want him out, so they hire Paula, an "interventionist," who has a formula in these cases: chance encounter, get him to ask her out, involve him in a trauma, meet his friends and get their nod, delay sex, have him teach her something, then launch him. It's worked up to now, but this gets complicated when Tripp thinks she's getting too serious and one of his pals is attracted to Paula's deadpan, semi-alcoholic roommate, who's plagued by a mockingbird. Too many secrets may scrub the launch, and what if Paula really likes him? Who can intervene then?

Streaming (AC3.BRRip): Nowvideo Videopremium
Trip incontra Paula e tra i due è amore a prima vista. In particolare Paula rappresenta per Trip la donna ideale, perfetta sotto tutti i punti di vista… E questo fa nascere qualche sospetto nel giovane: non saranno stati i suoi genitori, desiderosi di liberarsi di lui, ad averla ingaggiata?…
Failure to Launch - (2006)
Cum să dai afară din casă un burlac de 30 de ani
A casa con i suoi
Gen:Romantic, Comedie
Durata:97 minute
Regia:Tom Dey
Actori: Matthew McConaughey, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Bates, Zooey Deschanel, Justin Bartha, Bradley Cooper, Terry Bradshow
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