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Babysitting 2014 Online Subtitrat

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IIn lipsa unei dadace pentru week-end, Marc Schaudel isi lasa copilul, pe Remy, in grija lui Franck, angajatul sau despre care spune ca este un tip serios. Remy este un copil cat se poate de capricios. Intamplarea face ca Franck sa implineasca 30 de ani in week-endul in care trebuie sa faca pe dadaca. Dimineata, Marc si sotia sa Claire sunt treziti de un apel al politiei. Remy si Franck au disparut. In interiorul casei, politia descopera o camera de luat vederi. Marc si Claire descopera socati ce s-a filmat in urma cu o zi…dsrtghdsp
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Looking for a baby-sitter for the night, Marc Schaudel entrusts his son Remy to the care of his employee Franck, a straight man. But the thing that Marc doesn't know, is that Franck is getting 30 years old this weekend and that his son Remy is a very capricious child. The next day, Marc and his wife Claire are awakened by a call from the police. Remy and Franck are missing, and the house is totally devastated. The police finds a camera in the leftovers. Marc, Claire and the police start watching the video that has been recorded the day before during the night and find out what happened to Franck and Remy.movieinfocopy



A corto di baby sitter per il fine settimana, Marc Schaudel decide di lasciare il figlio Remy a Franck, suo impiegato modello e tipo all’apparenza serio. Franck è un giovane di trent’anni mentre Remy è un ragazzino un po’ troppo capriccioso e la loro prima sera insieme termina con una telefonata al mattino a Marc e alla moglie Claire da parte della polizia. Franck e Remy sono scomparsi…

Durata:85 minute
Regia:Directors: Nicolas Benamou , Philippe Lacheau
Actori:Philippe Lacheau, Alice David, Vincent Desagnat, Tarek Boudali, Julien Arruti, Enzo Tomasini, Grégoire Ludig, David Marsais, Gérard Jugnot, Clotilde Courau, Philippe Duquesne, Charlotte Gabris, David Salles, Philippe Brigaud
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