Cand Ah Bu, o fata dintr-un orasel de pescari din Taiwan, gaseste o sticla ce continea un mesaj romantic, ea pleaca la Hong Kong sa-l gaseasca pe Fat Frumos. Insa Albert se dovedeste a fi homosexual. Dar nu e totul pierdut cand Ah Bu il cunoaste pe indraznetul Chi Wu. Intre timp, prietenul lui Ah Bu din Taiwan vine s-o caute si s-o duca inapoi acasa. Ah Bu a plecat sa gaseasca aventura si si-a gasit perechea.

A Taiwanese girl named Bu has just been proposed to. While pondering the proposal, she finds a message in a bottle which inspires her go to Hong Kong to meet the guy, Albert, who wrote the message. However, she finds out that Albert is gay. A successful playboy businessman CN, and Howie have been rivals in love and business since school days. Howie finds out that CN is dating his girl and also trying to take over his company. Howie tells his guys to teach CN a lesson. Bu happens to be there and saves CN, but decides to fake her identity and scheme to make him fall in love with her. In the meantime Howie, who wants to teach CN a humiliating lesson, hires a highly trained foreign fighter to beat him.

Bu, una giovane di Taiwan, trova una bottiglia che la fa andare fino a Hong Kong per incontrare un ragazzo di nome Albert. Presto scopre che Albert è omosessuale e che le piace di più Chi Wu, costretto però ad affrontare un combattente altamente qualificato nel kickfighting…
Bărbatul ideal
Alt titlu:Boh lei chun
In fuga per Hong Kong
Gen:Actiune, Comedie, Romantic
Country: Hong Kong | Taiwan
Durata:121 minute
Regia:Vincent Kok
Actori:Jackie Chan, Shu Qi, Tony Leung, Emil Chau
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