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The Guvnors 2014 Online Subtitrat

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Pe vremuri, The Guvnors a fost o gasca de infractori din suburbiile Londrei. In urma cu cativa ani, liderul acesteia, Mitch, a reusit sa isi schimba radical viata, lasand infractiunile si gasca in trecut. Insa acum, Adam, liderul unei alte gasti ce isi desfasoara activitatea in acelasi loc in care The Guvnors faceau ravagii pe vremuri, ii cauta pe fostii membri ai gastii cu scopul de a-i convinge sa revina la vechile obiceiuri. Insa, efectul produs de Adam nu este cel asteptat, reuseste sa starneasca un adevarat razboi intre gastile rivale pe strazile Londrei. dsrtghdsp 1080p



The Guvnors is both love letter and hate mail to the alpha male. This story's alpha is Mitch who lives buried in suburban London, having turned his back on his previous life of casual violence and intimidation as part of a legendary South East London firm. In the modern day he's the doyen of respectability and quiet confidence, but Mitch used to be a Guv'nor. This film holds a mirror up to Mitch and shows him the monster once again, buried deep in both DNA and psyche, desperate to break out and wreak havoc. movieinfocopy

The Guvnors
Durata:95 minute
Country: UK
Regia:Gabe Turner
Actori:Lee Nicholas Harris, Lorraine Stanley, Doug Allen, Vas Blackwood, Martin Hancock
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