Cand Steve este rugat de "The Observer" sa faca un tur al tarii prin cele mai bune restaurante, el isi inchipuie ca aceasta va fi o escapada perfecta pentru el si prietena lui. Dar cand ea il refuza, Steve nu are alta alternativa decat sa-l ia cu el pe prietenul sau cel mai bun si sursa tuturor relelor, Bob Brydon. Cei doi vor forma un duo genial si comic. In final vor invata cate ceva despre mancarea buna, faima, relatii si chiar propriile vieti.

When Steve Coogan is asked by The Observer to tour the country's finest restaurants, he envisions it as the perfect getaway with his beautiful girlfriend. But, when she backs out on him, he has no one to accompany him but his best friend and source of eternal aggravation, Rob Brydon.

The Trip
Durata:107 minute
Regia:Michael Winterbottom | Armando Iannucci | Thomas McCarthy | Woody Allen | Colin Trevorrow | David O. Russell | Martin McDonagh | Richard Linklater | Greg Mottola | Christopher Guest | Jay Duplass | Mark Duplass | Larry Charles | Paul Feig
Actori:Claire Keelan, Margo Stilley, Dolya Gavanski, Steve Coogan, Paul Popplewell
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