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Backcountry 2014 Online Subtitrat

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Alex si iubita sa, Jenn, urmeaza sa petreaca cateva zile la camping, in mijlocul naturii. Alex este familiar cu zona unde urmeaza sa campeze, insa Jenn, o avocata obisnuita cu viata la oras nu este foarte incantata de ideea iesirii in natura. Alex o asigura ca totul va fi bine, ca nimic rau nu li se poate intampla. Dupa ce gasesc un loc de camping, cei doi incep sa exploreze locul. La scurt timp realizeaza ca s-au ratacit. Fara nici o harta sau o modalitate de comunicare pentru a cere ajutorul, cei doi intra in panica. Cosmarul abia acum incepe. In padure exista o multime de pericole, ei urmand sa treaca printr-o experienta de neimaginat.dsrtghdsp


An urban couple go camping in the Canadian wilderness - where unimaginable beauty sits alongside our most primal fears. Alex (Jeff Roop) is a seasoned outdoorsman while Jenn (Missy Peregrym), a corporate lawyer, is not. After much convincing, and against her better judgment, she agrees to let him take her deep into a Provincial Park to one of his favorite spots - the secluded Blackfoot Trail. On their first night, deep in the forest, they have an unsettling encounter with Brad (Eric Balfour), a strange alpha male with eyes for Jenn who may or may not be following them. Alex's desire to quickly reach Blackfoot Trail only intensifies. They push further and further into the woods, Alex stubbornly insisting that he remembers the way. After three days their path disappears; they are hopelessly lost. Without food or water, they struggle to find their way back, the harsh conditions bringing out the best and worst in them, pushing their already fragile relationship to the breaking point. When. movieinfocopy

An. 2014
Durata: 92 min
Gen: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Country: Canada
Director: Adam MacDonald
Writer: Adam MacDonald
Stars: Missy Peregrym, Eric Balfour, Nicholas Campbell, Jeff Roop, Melanie Mullen, Ashley Nay
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