Viata unui adolescent extrem de inteligent, dar singuratic, se schimba atunci cand o gaseste pe fosta sa prietena, Emily, moarta intr-un tunel. Brendan trebuie sa puna acum indiciile cap la cap, incepand cu o convorbire telefonica intre ei, in care Emily ii spunea ca este intr-o mare incurcatura. Inca indragostit de Emily, Brendan este gata sa faca orice pentru a-i gasi pe criminali, iar in primul rand el trebuie sa gaseasca semnificatiile catorva cuvinte cheie. Cu ajutorul unui prieten, el ajunge, indiciu dupa indiciu, la un puternic traficant de droguri. Brendan descopera motivele care au dus la moartea lui Emily si planuieste o razbunare…
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The lonely teenager Brendan finds his former girlfriend Emily dead in the entrance of a tunnel of sewage and recalls her phone call two days ago, when she said to him that she was in trouble. Brendan, who still loved Emily, met bad elements of his high-school trying to contact her, and when he succeeded, she told him that she was OK. He hides her body in the tunnel and decides to investigate the meaning and connection of four words, including "brick" and "pin", that Emily told him to find who killed her. Using the support of his nerd friend Brain, he successively meets the small time drug dealers Kara, Dode, Brad Bramish, Laura and Tugger, to reach the teenager powerful drug dealer The Pin. Slowly, Brendan unravels the motives why Emily was killed and plots a revenge.
Brick - (2005)
Codul morţii
Gen:Mister, Suspans, Crima, Drama
Durata:110 minute
Țară: SUA
Regia:Rian Johnson | Gus Van Sant | Robert Mulligan | Akira Kurosawa | Martin Scorsese | James Marsh | Otto Preminger | Anand Tucker | Steven Soderbergh | Spike Lee | Curtis Hanson | Christopher Nolan | David Fincher
Actori:Jonathan Cauff, Tracy Wilcoxen, Brian White, Noah Fleiss, Meagan Good
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