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Anchorman 2 The Legend Continues 2013 Online Subtitrat

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La cativa ani dupa evenimentele primului film,Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) si Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate) se casatoresc si sunt amandoi asociati la un renumit post de stiri in New York .Intr-o zi sunt acostati de Mack Tannen (Harrison Ford), cel mai faimos prezentator din New York .El le spune ca vrea sa se retraga si sa o promoveze pe Veronica , facand-o prima femeie prezentator de stiri de noapte din istoria televiziunii.Asta cauzeaza divergente intre Ron si Veronica, el devenind gelos pe Veronica devastand casa si parasindu-si copilul de sase ani Walter (Judah Nelson)…

Having left San Diego for New York City, Ron Burgundy is living the high life with his wife Veronica Corningstone and son Walter Burgundy. However, when the boss decides to promote Veronica to full time lead anchor and fire Ron, everything changes. Now heading back to San Diego, Ron is washed up and working part time at Sea World. His shot at redemption though comes in the form of a man named Freddie Schapp, who's an executive producer at the Global News Network, the world's first 24 hour round the clock news channel. He hires Ron, who proceeds to reunite the news team of Champ, Brick, and Brian, and head back to New York City. While there Ron and his news team are given the graveyard shift and a challenge. Ron comes up with a radical new idea to transform the news and that puts him at the top of the game once again. But how long will Ron's newfound fame last? And will Brick finally find true love?

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues - (2013)
IMDB:7.2/10 din 22057 voturi
Durata:119 minute
Regia:Adam McKay
Actori:Kristen Wiig, Paul Rudd, Dylan Baker, Meagan Good, Christina Applegate
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