Imagini joaca in fata ochilor lui Arthur si cateva voci balmajesc cuvinte de neinteles si jumatati de propozitii. Pare ca Arthur Seligman a avut un accident, dar a lovit un tanar baiat sau nu? Si ce cauta el tocmai in Cherbourg cand locuieste in Paris? Dupa ce isi recapata cunostinta (cel putin aparent), Isabelle Kruger, o asistenta, ii povesteste cum ca s-a aflat in coma in urma accidentului si ca a avut grija sa noteze fiecare cuvant pe care l-a rostit in momentele de delir. Femeia ii pune la dispozitie carnetelul, iar Arthur incepe sa-si investigheze... sinele.

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
Images flash through Arthur's brain, voices buzz in his mind, uttering disjointed words and sentences. Arthur Seligman seems to have had an accident but did he run over a little boy or not? And what was he doing near Cherbourg while he lives in Paris? When he regains consciousness (but does he really?) Isabelle Kruger, a nurse, tells him that he had lapsed into a coma after his accident and that she wrote down all of what he said while he was delirious. She gives him the notebook and Arthur starts investigating...HIMSELF!..Info
The Black Box
Cutia neagră
Alt titlu:La boîte noire
Regia:Richard Berry
Actori:Michel Duchaussoy, Marion Cotillard, José Garcia, Gérald Laroche, Dominique Bettenfeld
Gen:Mister, Suspans
Durata:90 minute
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