GUN WOMEN urmează un medic japonez care promite răzbunare unui criminal sadic si nebun după ce omul i-a ucis soția iubitoare. În ciuda sistemului maxim de securitate care înconjoară acest miliardar, doctorul gaseste un plan de asasinare perfect atunci când el transforma o femeie tânără japoneză în asasinul cel mai letal pe care lumea l-a văzut vreodată....

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
GUN WOMAN follows a Japanese doctor who vows revenge on a crazy sadistic killer after the man murdered his loving wife. Despite the maximum security that surrounds this billionaire, the doctor finds a perfect assassination plan when he turns a young Japanese woman into the most lethal assassin the world has ever seen. This outrageous plan -- his only chance for revenge -- will happen at an underground facility where the killer goes to fulfill his sexual fetishes. On the night before the plan is to be executed, the woman assassin is "completed" by the doctor... She is now, GUN WOMAN...Info
Gun Woman
Regia:Kurando Mitsutake
Actori:Asami, Tatsuya Nakadai, Lauren Lakis, Kairi Narita, Noriaki Kamata
Country: Japan
Language: English | Japanese
Gen:Actiune, Fantezie
Durata:86 minute
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